Digital Signage Systems: Useful Technological Features to Boost Your Business Practices
Digital signage and displays have infiltrated the advertising industry and taken over pretty much every aspect of the market. Many public places including shopping malls, bus terminals, sports stadiums, and even community centres use digital displays to get various messages across to passersby and consumers. Whether they’re interactive touchscreens, static digital displays, or large full-scale videos, digital signage and advertising has the capability to elevate your business.
If you’re going to apply digital signage to your advertising campaign, you need to have a basic understanding of how it works. Keep reading to learn all about the inner workings of digital signage and display systems, so that you can aptly apply them to your business.
What Are the Components of Digital Signage?
Digital signage and displays are attention-grabbing and informative by design. Consumers are inevitably drawn to the bright lights, dynamic images, and the words on the screen. But there’s a lot of extra planning and forethought that goes into creating effective and affordable digital ad campaigns that are guaranteed to increase your return on investment. Anyone can slap together a heavily branded PowerPoint display that showcases your company logo and slogans. Utilizing the following essential components of digital signage, however, can really help put your marketing campaign over the top and make you a force to be reckoned with in your industry.
Uniquely Branded Content That Speaks to Your Audience
Installing state-of-the-art dynamic technology to advertise your brand is a great way to capture people’s attention. Once you’ve attracted people to your brand, you need to find ways of keeping them interested. Displaying informative and relevant content to consumers can help you achieve that goal. Content should be completely unique, timely, and speak to your target audience in a way that nothing they’ve ever seen before has.
The type of content that’s displayed in your digital signage should be memorable enough to become ingrained in the minds of consumers so that they’ll think of your brand in specific circumstances or when making product and service recommendations to people. Incorporating your brand sigil, signature colours, logo, and related slogans throughout the ad campaign will help set you apart from your competition.
Use a Digital Content Management System
One of the most important components that sets digital displays apart from their traditional static counterparts is the fact that advertisers now have greater control over the content they produce. Not only can you create, edit, and replace unique content for your brand, but you can also come up with an automated schedule for when the content is to be released to the public. A content management system (CMS) is a type of software that allows you to manage your content and schedule it so that it’s automatically delivered to playback devices which then relay the advertisements to strategically located digital displays.
You also have complete control over which specific digital displays will feature certain ads. To that end, you can create multiple versions of the same ad and alter them as needed according to the sensibilities of the regions in which the ads are being shown.
Digital Signage Media Players
Media players are the devices that are used to display the content or media you’ve created. Playback software stores the advertising content and then delivers it to various displays based on the settings you’ve implemented. You have the option of automating the content and scheduling it so that it appears on all of the digital screens you’ve installed or only a select number of them at different times.
This technology is particularly helpful for businesses that are poised to break into new markets either on a domestic or international basis. Media players can either be connected to your main wireless sharing network or a mainframe computer depending on your setup.
Digital Signage Hardware
The hardware consists of the individual digital displays themselves that are connected to each other and the main operating system through a wireless network. Hardware consists of the actual infrastructure that makes the whole advertising schema physically possible. Digital displays are usually made up of rugged LED, LCD, or flat screen monitors that are conveniently and strategically placed in areas that are within people’s natural eye line.
The goal is to make the screens as naturally visible as possible to attract more potential consumers over to them. Creating and installing dynamic interactive digital displays is an effective way to draw in large crowds. Seeing others interacting with a display and being able to play around with or alter the onscreen modules drums up a lot of curiosity from passersby. The more interactive your digital display is the more dynamic and unique the experience becomes for users.
In-Depth Detailed Infrastructure
Infrastructure essentially consists of all the behind-the-scenes manual and physical components that bring together a digital signage display. From network connections to wall mounts, and cables, infrastructure includes a wide range of peripheral devices that ultimately make the entire digital advertising experience come to life. Peripherals deliver the content directly from the main device or computer on which it’s stored directly to the individual digital display screens that are installed in various locations.
To ensure that the system works and everything goes off without a hitch, each component from the main computer right down to the most miniscule cable must be exactly in place and they all need to be in excellent working condition. But infrastructure can also be wireless. Social media, internet connections, Wi-Fi networks, live web pages, and live streams all count as digital infrastructure that allows for the accurate and timely delivery of relevant key brand messaging to consumers.
Nauticomp Inc. is one of the world’s most renowned and leading designers and manufacturers of state-of-the-art digital displays. We specialize in providing custom-designed digital signage systems and displays across a wide array of business sectors including restaurant and hospitality, medical facilities, gaming and entertainment, Marine Corps, and the military. To learn more about our products or to place an order, please contact us today!