Top 5 Benefits of Using Digital Signage in Schools
Traditional teaching methods are, for the most part, becoming virtually ineffective and obsolete in today’s digital media-focused world. As a result, educators across the board are being forced to find new and innovative ways of incorporating the latest technology, particularly digital signage and displays into their curriculums and teaching methods. So, what does this mean for the future of education in conjunction with technological advancements? Keep reading to learn about the top five benefits of using digital signage in schools and how it can benefit your children’s education.
Encourages a More Dynamic Learning Experience
Most kids these days learn how to use a digital device from such an early age that their level of comfort and expertise with technology has far exceeded that of the average adult. It used to be that parents had to educate their children on how to use tablets and cellphones. But over the past twenty or so years, the tables have slowly turned. Keeping that in mind, it’s important for educators to arm themselves with the latest technological advancements—digital displays—in order to appeal to modern students. Overhead projectors and low-quality PowerPoint presentations are now relics of the past and simply don’t cut it anymore. Educators must create more engaging and diverse content using advanced technological skills to keep students interested in learning.
Improves Information Absorption
Another important benefit of incorporating digital displays in the classroom is the ability to circulate information more effectively and at an accelerated rate than ever before. Modern students have a vast knowledge database—the Internet—at their disposal and are therefore capable of understanding and digesting new information more easily than their predecessors. Installing a network of digital displays throughout large classrooms in particular, like in a university setting, can facilitate the transfer of information from the educator’s platform to each and every single student regardless of how close or far back they’re sitting.
Instills Effective Safety Procedures
In the event of an emergency, digital signage can actually save lives by informing all school personnel about natural disasters, security breaches, power outages, and any other potentially dangerous situations. Additionally, digital displays located throughout the school premises can also be linked to a vast network that also allows students and educators to receive important notifications and updates directly on their mobile devices.
Features Cost-Effective Announcement Solutions
By that same token, implementing campus-wide advanced digital signage initiatives also enables both the student body and school staff to always be informed about and reminded of school-related events including dances, sporting events, extracurricular activities, and so much more. Broadcasting these types of events on a regular basis has been proven to help increase attendance by spreading mass awareness.
Incorporates Advertisements for Additional Revenue
It’s no secret that the public school system is massively underfunded and often has to rely on unconventional means like holding charity events, car washes, or bake sales to increase funding. While these are all excellent initiatives, additional revenue is always a bonus and that’s where digital signage can be a saving grace. Schools can turn a profit by selling premium digital advertising space to local businesses. It’s a win-win situation for all parties involved.
Nauticomp Inc. is one of the leading manufacturers of high-end digital displays. Our custom-designed touchscreen and traditional monitors can be equipped with a number of desirable features like infrared lighting and waterproof design that are perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. Contact us today to learn more!