When Is It Time to Upgrade Industrial Touchscreen Monitors and PCs?
Technology these days isn’t built to last longer than one or two years, which means that most industrial touchscreen monitors will need to either be completely revamped with new peripherals or upgraded for newer models much more frequently than ever. Advancements in the technological world are moving faster than the speed of light, and businesses either need to keep up with the times in order to improve their business practices or simply fall behind and risk becoming irrelevant.
5 Signs Your Industrial PC Needs an Upgrade
You may be wondering how to determine whether you need to upgrade or replace your industrial computer monitor to increase the efficacy of your day-to-day business practices. Here are five signs you should keep an eye out for:
Slow and Weak Processing Power
If you’re noticing that lately your computer is running sluggishly slow and the industrial LCD monitor is constantly lagging, then there are some simple solutions you can try to fix the problem:
- Check if software updates are available and download them
- Run diagnostics to see if you’ve inherited a virus
- Clean up your computer—get rid of older files you no longer need or transfer them to an external hard drive to free up more space on your computer
- If none of the above solutions work, then it’s time to purchase a new PC complete with an industrial panel-mount monitor and display.
Unsettling Loud Noises
Like some humans, computers are incapable of aging gracefully. The older they get, the harder it becomes for computers to perform certain tasks without completely tiring themselves out, and adapting to new technology is very taxing. Old computers—in this case anything more than a year old—have to work a little harder than their younger counterparts to keep up with modern times. If starting up your computer takes an eternity and the cooling fan audibly goes into overdrive, making groaning sounds resembling your grandfather struggling to get out of his armchair, then it’s probably time to look into a newer model.
Memory Issues
Memory loss is a nuisance many people have to endure as they get older, and computers are no different. The more you use your computer and the faster it runs out of storage space and memory. While a quick cleaning session can certainly improve the situation, it’s not going to be a permanent fix because eventually you’ll run out of storage again. Even slightly older industrial displays lose the capacity to hold large and newly formatted files much faster than the latest PCs.
Compatibility Issues
To put it simply, older computers just don’t have the same capacity as newer models to sustain modern technology. After a while, the technology isn’t just outdated, it no longer exists and there’s no place for it in the modern world. Most operating systems become obsolete over time because newer ones are constantly being developed to replace them. There comes a time when it just makes more sense to upgrade your old computer for a state-of-the-art, brand new PC.
Touchscreen Issues
In addition to compatibility issues that come with intermingling old technology with new technology, there’s also the simple fact that over time your hardware will become worn out and start to malfunction. The first sign of this is an unresponsive touchscreen that incessantly lags or buffers every time you try to move it even slightly. You can try to simply exchange the original industrial LCD display for a new one, but that might just be an oversimplified and costlier solution to a much more complex internal issue. Ultimately, it could be the equivalent of having to change the transmission on a hatchback from the 1980s. At this point, it’s just not worth it.
Nauticomp Inc. has a wide range of waterproof, sunlight-readable multifunction modern displays that are versatile and work well within some of the harshest working conditions imaginable. We offer custom designs, building individualized monitors to meet the needs of our clients. We’re dedicated to providing high-performance displays that are at the forefront of cutting-edge technology. Contact us at 1-705-328-2992 for Canadian service and at 1-800-267-9491 for U.S. service.